How To Create A Blog For Free On Google & Earn Money?

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How To Create A Blog For Free On Google & Earn Money?

How To Create A Blog For Free On Google & Earn Money?

How Tp Create A Blog For Free On Google & Earn Money
How To Create A Blog For Free On Google & Earn Money?

How To Create A Blog For Free On Google & Earn Money?

{1.Part - Full Course In Just 15 Minutes}

In This Article, I am gonna share my experience on blogger with you, I will tell you also How to create a blog for free on google & earn money, I have been on blogger for the last 3 years and I am struggling to get approved by Google AdSense, My website was approved twice but my AdSense account was banned by Google due to invalid traffic coming to my blog. 

But I did not lose courage and am still struggling, and I sincerely hope that I will get the approval of Google Adsense again for sure. That's why I have brought this article in front of you today so that I should also warn you about the policies of Google AdSense So that what happened to me does not happen with you.

So as I told you that I am working on the blog for the last 3 years, then I have got a lot of experience and today I will tell you How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money. After reading this post carefully, you will also learn well How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money. Today I am going to teach you how to make a blog website on blogger.

So let's move towards the first step of "How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money" without wasting any time.

1. Step of "How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money"

First of all, you have to go to Google and search "Blogger" then you have to go to Google's "Blogger" platform and login. After login or sign in, you will see an interface like this -

How to create a blog
Then you have to click on the button "Create Blog" in the right sidebar, When you click on that button, you will see the Blogger like this where you have to give a good title for your blog. Just like I sucked a title for my blog, "The SEO King", you also have to think of the best title for your blog.

Give The Best Title to your blog

When you give a good Title to your blog and click on Next, then you have to give the URL of your blog, where you will see Blogger something like this. 

The SEO King

Now here you can see that I have selected the title and URL same for my blog, you can also keep the same title and URL But if you don't want then you can keep the title and URL different. Now that you have given a good title and URL to your blog, then you have to click on the Next button again.

Your Blog Is Ready

2. Step - Changing The Settings & Setup Google Analytics

Now that you have already created your blog, after creating blog, you will have to make some basic settings for your blogger. Now you have to click on the button named "Settings" as shown in the image.

Go To Settings

See in the above image that after going to the settings, you see the second number written "Google Analytics Property ID" from the bottom of the basic heading. 

Google Analytics Property ID

To insert and find the 'Google Analytics Property ID' in this input, you have to open a new tab in Google and type Google Analytics, then you have to click on the blue button named "Start measuring" by going to Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Setup

Now when you click on "Start Measuring", this click will take you to this page (shown above) Where you can see that "Account setup" is written then below that you have to give your account name like I have named my account as "The SEO King". Then now you can see "Account Data Sharing Settings", Here you have to select  all the boxes and then after doing all this, you have to click on the blue button named "Next". 

Google Analytics Property Setup

After clicking on the blue button named Next, a page like this (shown in the image above) will open in front of you, Then you have to name your property like I have named my property "The SEO King" and then you have to select your time zone like I live in Australia so I have selected the time zone of Australia. Then after selecting the time zone, you have to select your currency like I have selected my currency "USD".

Create a universal analytics property

Now you can see at the bottom of this page that "Show advanced options" is written, click on it, and after clicking, turn on the button with "Create a universal analytics property" as shown in the image above. Then after doing all this, you have to click on the blue button named "Next" as shown in the image above.

About Your Business

Then after clicking on the blue button next, you will be taken to the page "About Your Business", Where you have to select your business category like I have selected "Other" you can also select "Other" otherwise it is not necessary, you can select any category for your business, on which topic you have your blog Made it.

Now you have to select any one of the 4 options under "Business Size" as shown in the above image like I have selected my business size as "Medium".

Then you will see something like this written below "How do you intend to use Google Analytics with your business? And coming to the end, you have to click on the blue button named "Create".

Your UA Has Been Created

Then after clicking on "Create" a page like this will open in front of you as shown in the image above, where "Web Stream Details" will be written at the top, Now you have to scroll down, where you will see "Tagging Instructions" written and below that you will see "Global Site Tags (gtag.js)" written from there you have to copy all that JavaScript code as shown in the above image and as I've done.

Then when you have copied that JavaScript code, you have to return to your blogger but do not close the tab with Google Analytics yet, then after returning to blogger, you have to click on "Theme". After opening the "Theme" page, you have to click on "Edit HTML", as shown in the image above.

Paste The JS Code Below The <head> Tags

After clicking on Edit HTML, a page like this will open in front of you where you have to paste the copied code below by hitting enter near the <head> Tag as shown in the above image. Then after pasting the code, you've to save your work by clicking on the save symbol, (top left last).

Data Streams

Then you have to go back to the analytics page and come out of the "Web Stream Details" from where you copied the code, Where you will see a page like this, where "Data Streams" will be written as shown in the image above. 

Property Access Management

Above the Data Streams, you will see "Property Access Management" written there you have to click, Where after clicking, some kind of page will open in front of you as shown in the image above. Here on this page, you will see Create property written below that you will see the name of your property, like in the image "The SEO King" will be written.

Paste The Universal Analytics Property ID Into The Input
And next to "The SEO King" you will see (UA----) written, You have to copy the ID (UA---) & after returning to blogger, again you have to go to settings and after going to settings, you have to paste & save these numbers (UA------) by clicking on "Google Analytics Property ID" as shown in the above image. 

So Guys, in today's article, only this much information has been given, will continue tomorrow, so wait till the 2nd part comes tomorrow. Sorry For Waiting.

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